NHG visit to Acebuchal Tuesday 28th March

Prior to the pandemic and lock down, we had started to have an “end of season” lunch at the once abandoned village of Acebuchal.  Thankfully, after 3 years, we were able to resume again this year.

We divided into 2 groups, those who would like to walk down to the Pueblo, on the track, with Sue Harvey, looking at plants and flowers. The second group of those unable to walk so well or preferred to travel in the bus. It was a glorious sunny day and we all grouped together for our lunch on the lower terrace.  We all shared their freshly baked home-made bread, to dip into oil, a salad which included fruit with a balsamic dressing and grilled green peppers. This was followed by either wild boar, pork in a curry sauce or chicken cooked in a local wine. We also had a veggie option. Finally, their home-made ice-cream made from miel de caña – (absolutely gorgeous), then coffee.
Having prepared our wonderful lunch, Antonio the chef and his brother Sebastian, who both run the restaurant, came to talk to us. They were greeted with a round of applause for the lunch and then Antonio, who speaks English, told us about how the restaurant came about. He had been instrumental in the renewal of the village and had given us a Talk a few years ago. Many of the NHG visitors on this day, hadn’t heard the Talk then and so we really appreciated his time with us. More applause !
At various times, we were able to visit the little local shop, run by Antiono’s father, which sells homemade jams, goats cheese and other goodies. And also to have a look at the little chapel, which has a table of names outside, of those who have contributed to the resurrection of the pueblo.  There are now 36 houses and it seems, a B & B.
The first group were taken back to Nerja but the bus broke down on the return journey to collect the second group.  Nobody seemed to mind – there was great camaraderie, lots of new friendships formed and an extra glass of wine was consumed.  A replacement bus arrived and were safely back in Nerja in no time.
Here’s to next year !
Christina Sinclair
Nerja History Group